Our Affiliates

Jansons Associates works with several affiliates to ensure a total delivery of excellence in all of our chimney and exhaust services. Together we’ve built a strong reputation for safety, reliability, adaptability, and precision.

Businesses We Partner With

The Schebler Company

The Schebler Company of Iowa is a manufacturer of high-quality prefabricated chimney systems. They design and fabricate a variety of specialty products, from custom engineered stacks and liner to fire guard grease ducts.


Bednash Consulting

Bednash is an engineering consulting firm specializing in the field of industrial chimneys. BCI provides engineering services for the design of new concrete, steel, and brick chimneys.



Enervex creates ventilation systems designed to maintain optimum comfort and energy efficiency. With products ranging from cooling units to kitchen hoods, we count on them for the high quality draft inducer fans in our chimney systems.


Suscon Stacks

Suscon Stacks of Maryland is one of the leading manufacturers of refractory products. Our relationship dates back to the 1970’s, and they continue to supply us with top-quality refractory chimneys and materials to this day.


Other Allied Associates